Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is a website hack? How and why do they do it?

What is a website hack? How and why do they do it?: "Website hacking is one of the modern enterprises of organized crime, but if you think that means it's being done amateurishly by a bunch of elderly mobsters who took night classes in Computer ABC's to learn what "this Internet Explore thing is", think again. These organizations have professional programmers. Their campaigns to take control of thousands of the world's computers are well planned and sophisticated, drawing on an in-depth knowledge of operating system software, browser vulnerabilities, programming, and even psychology, and their attacks are almost always automated.

Strangely enough, if your site was hacked, it probably wasn't done by a person, but by another computer, which was hacked by another computer, which was hacked by yet another, and somewhere way back in the chain is a programmer who initially unleashed the sequence of events"

'via Blog this'

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