Sunday, February 26, 2012

Core principles » OpenCSW Solaris packages

Core principles » OpenCSW Solaris packages: "CSW packages should be as useful to a “newbie” solaris user, as they are to the 10-year veteran in a “fortune 500″ company. Neither should be favoured to the detriment of the other.

Tech note: the “accomodating NFS-sharing out /opt/csw”, means that whenever reasonable, a single package for all solaris revs of a cpu, is preferred over multiple versions of a package. In this way, a site can NFS-share out a single “full install” of /opt/csw to Solaris 9, and 10 machines equally. Having a single filesystem, instead of multiple, is much more efficient use of NFS-server caching."

'via Blog this'

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