Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to sub-delegate a reverse zone [KB1240]

How to sub-delegate a reverse zone [KB1240]: "ARIN (which is *usually* a Class B), then you should do your own DNS sub-delegation for any block you reassign that is larger than class B. Everything smaller than that you should use the CNAME method.
I think your distinction comes from the fact that it used to be that (mostly) ARIN assigned Class B's to ISPs who then reassigned to their customers. However, I have worked in multiple locations where we had direct assignments from ARIN that were smaller (/20 to /23). In those cases, when we reassigned parts of our block and wanted to also delegate the reverse DNS to them, we simply added NS records. The number of DNS redirects is kept to a minimum and ARIN doesn't have to get involved in your business.

'via Blog this'

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