Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How do I get reverse DNS for my IP addresses delegated to my own DNS server? [KB1187]

How do I get reverse DNS for my IP addresses delegated to my own DNS server? [KB1187]: "For example if your IP range is to, then the reverse DNS sub-delegation is typically done using a DNS zone name "".
If you have less than a class C (256 IP addresses), then the reverse DNS sub-delegation uses a slightly different format called "Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation". The exact zone name format used for this vary for each ISP, so it is very important that you setup your reverse zone on your DNS server with the zone name provided by the ISP.
For more on this, please see RFC2317

If you only have one or a few IP addresses, most ISPs will not do reverse DNS sub-delegation for this at all.
However in most cases, they will point reverse DNS for your IP addresses to whatever domain name that you want, at least if you are a business customer."

'via Blog this'

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