Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How do I get reverse DNS for my IP addresses delegated to my own DNS server? [KB1187]

How do I get reverse DNS for my IP addresses delegated to my own DNS server? [KB1187]: "Reverse DNS is controlled by whoever "owns" the IP address.
The owner can choose to sub-delegate reverse DNS for a range of IP range to someone else, who in turn can sub-delegate parts of that range further, etc.

IANA ultimately "owns" all Internet IP addresses.
IANA delegates these IP addresses to 5 regional registires; AfriNIC (Africa), APNIC (Asia/Pacific), ARIN (North America), LACNIC (Latin America), and RIPE (Europe, Middle East, Central Asia).
And these registries delegate their IP addresses to backbones providers and ISPs, who delegate to end-users.

So as an end-user, if you want control of reverse DNS for your IP addresses, you need to contact whoever provides you with these IP addresses, and ask them to do a reverse DNS sub-delegation to your DNS servers."

'via Blog this'

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