Thursday, December 1, 2011

Domain Maven: dns - How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange

Domain Maven: dns - How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange: "How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange
dns - How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange: "
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A few days ago, I checked whether a domain was available by tying the name in the web browser. Also host returned not found 3(NXDOMAIN)

When I tried again today, some domain grabber had snatched it.

How can I check whether a domain is available without losing to some barely legal "service"?

dns domains domain-grabbing
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asked Feb 1 at 4:25"

'via Blog this'

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