Friday, December 30, 2011

Oh Its Easy!: Site Info | Top New York City Jewish Sites

Oh Its Easy!: Site Info | Top New York City Jewish Sites: " Site Info | Top New York City Jewish Sites Site Info | Top New York City Jewish Sites: "
30 Site Info Site Info: "Statistics Summary for has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 631,432. This site has attained a traffic rank of 118,316 among users in the US, where approximately 73% of its audience is located. Roughly 35% of visits to the site are bounces (one pageview only). Visitors to view an average of 9.4 unique pages per day, and it is relatively popular among users in the city of New York (where it is ranked #16,044)"""

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

SANCloud9-Social Advertising Network On Cloud 9: Multiple Users- For Different Purposes.

SANCloud9-Social Advertising Network On Cloud 9: Multiple Users- For Different Purposes.: "Multiple Users- For Different Purposes.
Stephen C. Sanders
Author, Photographer, Website Designer, Innovative Ventures.
Discussing the need to allow the current best practices and accepted methods to become the dominating practices in evolving their current style, in an ever shifting and varying field of artistic trends."

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011 " "Yet the greatest failure are those who never really tried at all". Others tried and simply gave up, because failure is almost certainly guaranteed for those who are easily discouraged. "

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Social " Social Advertising.Org have a dream as well. When we take you on as a client to build your website and later work with you to drive web traffic to your website, we move one step closer to accomplishing some of our larger goals."

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Friday, December 23, 2011 Site Info Site Info: "SanCloud9 

Get Certified 
When The Clouds Clear, Sometimes We Understand What We See. While The Clouds Prevail We Can Be Thankful For The Shade They Provide.

Statistics Summary for's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 1,151,521. Visitors to the site view an average of 2.9 unique pages per day. The site has attained a traffic rank of 197,878 among users in the US, where about 86% of its audience is located. The site has a relatively good traffic rank in the city of New York (#24,119), and SanCloud9 is based in the US"

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Using Permalinks « WordPress Codex

Using Permalinks « WordPress Codex: "To click on the lower link, the user would get a 404 Page Not Found Error. If you have a tendency to use very long permalink post titles, take these steps to prevent this problem.

1. Check that you are indeed using Permalinks.

2. Edit your .htaccess file and add the following:

RewriteRule ^post/([0-9]+)?/?([0-9]+)?/?$ /index.php?p=$1&page=$2 [QSA]
3. Test it. Find a post's ID number and type the following (with your information) in your browser and you should be redirected to your post: ID #)

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IP Daily.Biz: TopCatHost: Social Ad Cloud: Social Ad Cloud: The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes

IP Daily.Biz: TopCatHost: Social Ad Cloud: Social Ad Cloud: The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes: "TopCatHost: Social Ad Cloud: Social Ad Cloud: The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes: "Social Ad Cloud: Social Ad Cloud: The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes: "Social Ad Cloud: The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes: "The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes
The Top Ten Social Media Lessons of 2011: Part II - Forbes: "How many millions of dollars do you suspect were spent in 2011 by companies and brands trying to develop a “viral” video – one designed from the outset to generate millions of views and become a YouTube phenomenon? How many of the videos produced by those millions do you think actually became viral?""

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Monday, December 19, 2011 "Tear down the walls that separate us, and rebuild what was once always ours. The limitations on Global Scale are here to reveal that we need to look to our own neighbhor and brother; as both a source of support, as well as someone who needs our help. Our collective fates are intertwined, and only with each others assistance can we thrive."

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Market Niche info: IP Daily.Biz

Market Niche info: IP Daily.Biz: "IP Daily.Biz: ""DigiBizMarketing” Global Digital Marketing/Social Media Network - JBN | Jewish Business Network
"DigiBizMarketing” Global Digital Marketing/Social Media Network - JBN | Jewish Business Network: "digital marketing professionals, business owners, executive leadership and companies' decision makers looking for innovative ways to grow business without relying on any paid ads.
Location: US
Members: 25
Latest Activity: Nov 17""

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gamebrit | British Gaming Culture

Gamebrit | British Gaming Culture: "
The Future Publishing title, which launched in July of 2006, will be rebranded as Nintendo Gamer starting in January of 2012. The Christmas 2011 issue of the magazine is to be the last under the current NGamer name.
The name change will be joined by a new look, seeing the print magazine made into “a bigger, better magazine” spread over 148 pages."

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Gamebrit | British Gaming Culture

Gamebrit | British Gaming Culture: "
The Future Publishing title, which launched in July of 2006, will be rebranded as Nintendo Gamer starting in January of 2012. The Christmas 2011 issue of the magazine is to be the last under the current NGamer name.
The name change will be joined by a new look, seeing the print magazine made into “a bigger, better magazine” spread over 148 pages."

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What You Need to Know About DoFollow and NoFollow Links | - and Wordpress themes

What You Need to Know About DoFollow and NoFollow Links | - and Wordpress themes: "I see only have nofollow links and I think that’s over optimized. This will only bring negative effects on SEO. We should put some dofollow links as well just to make it natural.
Peter Lee recently posted..Moving from Blogger to WordPress : The How-to Guide Part 1"

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What You Need to Know About DoFollow and NoFollow Links | - and Wordpress themes

What You Need to Know About DoFollow and NoFollow Links | - and Wordpress themes: "Google Webmaster tools in Search Queries that Google is counting ‘nofollow’ link as links to my site.
So at the least, i guarantee Google recognizes these links. Whether they help with SEO at all… That’s still the mystery."

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Monday, December 12, 2011


About: "Tear down the walls that separate us, and rebuild what was once always ours. The limitations on Global Scale are here to reveal that we need to look to our own neighbhor and brother; as both a source of support, as well as someone who needs our help. Our collective fates are intertwined, and only with each others assistance can we thrive."

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The Music of Torah

The Music of Torah: "I was 18 years old and had the unique opportunity to live with my grandpaernts who lived in Poland duting WW II they survived the holocaust in hiding. One time I told my grandfather I was hungry. He looked at me in all seriousness, and told me that I do not know what it means to be hungry. I had heard his story many times even as a young child in Kindergarten so of course I instantly knew he was right. He went on to tell me that when I think I am hungry, I go to the refrigerator, "thats not what it means to be hungry"."

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Life In A Day «

Life In A Day « "So far I have watched about 27 minutes of this 90 minute film, and felt that it certainly was worth presenting on this website, and I welcome new viewers to the site. We have linked thousands of websites of interest and appreciate you creating a link to our website as well.

All that is required for you to help our website tremendously in a manner that will not cost you a dime is to copy and paste the link above in your Twitter browser, or on your Facebook page, as a link of even just simply pasted into the default Facebook browser."

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Domain Maven: dns - How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange

Domain Maven: dns - How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange: "How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange
dns - How do I check that a domain is available without triggering a grabber? - Pro Webmasters - Stack Exchange: "
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A few days ago, I checked whether a domain was available by tying the name in the web browser. Also host returned not found 3(NXDOMAIN)

When I tried again today, some domain grabber had snatched it.

How can I check whether a domain is available without losing to some barely legal "service"?

dns domains domain-grabbing
linkimprove this question
asked Feb 1 at 4:25"

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