Friday, October 28, 2011

Market Niche info

Market Niche info: "
$1.9K USD
$1.73 USD
$1.8K USD

If someone is interested in this domain, you need to act very very quickly! I happen to believe it is worth far more than $1,800. I honestly am not even sure if I would part with it for even 20 or 40 times its current appraised value.Yet if you have the kind of money I am trying to talk about here, I would definitely want hear from you.

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

HostPoet is Stephen Sanders said...

The seller of these domains is looking for bids in the low to mid 5 figure area, prices listed are only automated appraisals. There is never truly a set price on domains, often the final selling prices are arrived via negotiations by interested parties.