Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Leah: "My name is Tom and I am guest blogging for Leah.

At the time of my writing this, Leah has been in surgery 49 minutes. This is the 5th open heart surgery for the Wee Princess, the first aortic valve replacement, previous surgeries were for the mitral valve. This young, vibrant beautiful soul has had a tough time. The last nine years have been 
unfair, yet I have never once heard her say, 'poor me' Leah has been critically ill before,
 and has stared death in the face too many times to count, yet each and every time
 she has fought her way back to family and friends who love her. I believe in my heart 
that G-d has a plan for this young woman. I pray that she will have many more years to 
touch hearts and minds with her humor and generosity.."

Stumbled upon this Israel based blogger while surfing and blogging, she happens to be undergoing surgery as I type this link

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