Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Writers' Cafe

The Writers' Cafe: "This committee shall be established expressly for the purpose of researching ways to provide financial incentives coming from the beneficiaries of Federal Bailout Dollars. These incentives may include (but are not limited to) incentives such as discounted insurance rates, discounted sales tax, discounted finance costs (especially discounted finance rates for those with lower credit scores) and discounted auto dealer additional charges.
Be it Further Resolved that:
This committee shall also investigate any ways or means that bailout money which has been allocated and that will be allocated in the future be linked towards the economic recovery for individuals and families who have also been adversely affected by the recent economic downtown."

The Writers

By: Stephen C. Sanders

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Philosophy | The Writers' Cafe

Philosophy | The Writers' Cafe: "vision that Yakov saw in a dream the well know idea of Jacob’s Ladder. The mefarshim (explainers of Torah) do a good job explaining how Jacob’s (Yakov’s) vision is about how neshomas (spirits or souls) are on different rungs of a ladder which goes up to heaven and back down to our world.
If I remember the explanation correctly Yakov could have stopped what ever he was doing right then and there and could have taken his place on the ladder. However Yakov did not do this for reasons which are beyond the scope of this piece.
In our own individual lives we are all somewhere on this great spiral staircase.

Life as we experience it is rarely just one straight and direct line from point A to point B. Perhaps if life was like that then perhaps life itself would not be so very interesting"

Courtesy of The Writers

The Writers Philosophy

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Arkayne Blog - Relevance Counts

Arkayne Blog - Relevance Counts: "The more I thought about the 3 C’s for online startups the more it made sense. The formula worked for describing failed vs. successful startups I’ve seen. For many entrepreneurs and investors I imagine the concepts of content, community, and convenience are so fundamental that they’ve become gut feelings. My advice to anyone undertaking a startup is to seriously consider and have a plan for the 3 C’s of online startups."

Courtesy of:

The Writers

Friday, January 16, 2009

Passaic Dating

Passaic Dating: "IY'H, Rebbetzin Lea Feldman is coming to Passaic for two days to meet with single men and women to arrange shidduchim and to provide chizuk and guidance.

Rebbetzin Feldman, former Rebbetzin at Neve Yerushalayim and wife of Rosh Yeshiva Rov Aharon Feldman of Ner Yisroel (author of The River, the Kettle, and the Bird), has many years of experience advising singles and made countless shidduchim.

Rebbetzin Feldman's schedule in Passaic will be as follows:

Sunday, January 18, 2009:

12:40 PM to 6 PM -- private meetings (20 minutes per person)

7 PM - 8:30 PM -- group presentation for single women

8:30 PM - 10 PM -- group presentation for single men

Monday, January 19, 2009
(Martin Luther King Day):

9 AM to 1 PM -- private meetings (20 minutes per person)

If you would like to meet with the Rebbetzin privately, please e-mail me at with your top 3 preferences of the time slots, choosing from the following options:"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Leah: "My name is Tom and I am guest blogging for Leah.

At the time of my writing this, Leah has been in surgery 49 minutes. This is the 5th open heart surgery for the Wee Princess, the first aortic valve replacement, previous surgeries were for the mitral valve. This young, vibrant beautiful soul has had a tough time. The last nine years have been 
unfair, yet I have never once heard her say, 'poor me' Leah has been critically ill before,
 and has stared death in the face too many times to count, yet each and every time
 she has fought her way back to family and friends who love her. I believe in my heart 
that G-d has a plan for this young woman. I pray that she will have many more years to 
touch hearts and minds with her humor and generosity.."

Stumbled upon this Israel based blogger while surfing and blogging, she happens to be undergoing surgery as I type this link

ABC News: NKorea: US Must Alter 'Hostile' Policy

ABC News: NKorea: US Must Alter 'Hostile' Policy: "Eight years later, Pyongyang appears eager to make amends, refraining from its customary New Year's Day diatribe against the U.S. and reportedly offering to send an envoy to Obama's Jan. 20 inauguration.
In the statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency, North Korea's Foreign Ministry reiterated its commitment to a nuclear-free Korean peninsula. However, it said Washington cannot demand that Pyongyang bare its nuclear arsenal without revealing, and removing, its own alleged nuclear weapons in South Korea.

Seoul and Washington deny having a secret atomic arsenal. 'We don't have nuclear weapons,' South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Moon Tae-young said late Tuesday.
But the U.S. military does have some 28,000 troops in the South and holds regular war games with South Korean troops, exercises the North denounces as proof of U.S. aggression.
'We would never show our nuclear weapons first — even in 100 years — unless the U.S. hostile policy and nuclear threat to North Korea are terminated,' said the statement, monitored in Seoul."

The true cost of nuclear war, or low priced cars?