Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Krystyna's Story - Children of the Holocaust Discussion Guide

Krystyna's Story - Children of the Holocaust Discussion Guide: "'Let's push,' yelled the driver. Grabbing the wooden railing, I saw, to my horror, the face of a classmate. 'Oh my God! It's Arnoldek.' I felt a tremor passing through my body. Arnold Rek, or Arnoldek as we used to call him, was a plump, good-natured boy. We shared the same bench at school. He loved candy and his rustling of crushed wrappers used to drive me crazy. Only yesterday I kidded around with him. Now he lay dead, his head piercing through the wagon's side spindles. "

Friday, October 12, 2007

Aharon's Ark

Aharon's Ark: "Aharon's Ark This Vessel is being created to preserve what is good. The World rests on three pillars: Torah, Service to Hashem (G-d) and Acts of Chesed (kindness)"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Caribbean coral suffers 'phenomenal' loss

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature |

Caribbean coral suffers 'phenomenal' loss
: "Coral reefs across the Caribbean have declined by 80% in three decades, UK scientists say. Coral reefs across the Caribbean have declined by 80% in three decades, UK scientists say. Coral reefs across the Caribbean have declined by 80% in three decades, UK scientists say. "

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Growing threat to rare species

The Ethiopian wolf, with fewer than 400 adults, is critically endangered (Photo: Dada Gottelii)The Ethiopian wolf, with fewer than 400 adults, is critically endangered (Photo: Dada Gottelii)"

ScienceDaily: Rare Dolphin Driven To Extinction By Human Activities, Scientists Fear

ScienceDaily: Rare Dolphin Driven To Extinction By Human Activities, Scientists Fear: "baiji is one of only a few dolphin species that is known to have adapted from the ocean to a freshwater environment. The likely cause of the baiji's decline is from the use of fishing nets with hooks that snag and drown the dolphins as bycatch. Other causes may include habitat degradation. Scientists are also concerned that this could just be the first of many human-caused extinctions of marine mammals that are under stress around the world. 'We are concerned about several vulnerable species of dolphin and porpoise "

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This Moves Into A New Domain!

Home | Davening 101 | Active Portal | Hashem's Justice | Our History | Latest News | Find Insight Blog | Emunah Now! | Start at The Beginning, or The End? |
My First Web Page (it started here)!

Aharon Moshe's Notebook Page2


We have only slowly begun to understand the incredible light which was revealed when Hashem brought all that there is, was, and will be into existence with ten utterences.

The Midrash states that before the creation, G d foresaw the deeds of the righteous, and created the world on their account. However, the world that G d desired to create on their account was overflowing with love for them. As such, it was unable to exist in the Divine Effulgence. G-d therefore looked at the deeds of the wicked, which resulted in a withholding of His light. But it was precisely this withholding that allows the world to exist. There is a constant pendular movement, between the desire to create and the desire to restrain. This is known as "below and not below." According to the teachings of the Arizal, the first stage in creation was the tzimzum; the contraction of G-d's light to make room for the existence of a finite universe. Gevurah means "strength" or "power," and refers to the forces of contraction and restraint that G d used in creating the world.- As the Mishnah says in Pirkei Avos 4:1: "Who is strong? One who subdues his own nature."- Implied in both this teaching and the previous one is that deeds of the wicked also contain a point of goodness, since they provide the context in which G d could create the world. This reflects the Baal Shem Tov's teaching that there is a spark of holiness in all things, and that light shines greater when it comes out of darkness.

(source researched on-line, credit and link to be included)

View of Earth from Apollo 13
We are learning how to reveal the concealed light!


We have only slowly begun to understand the incredible light which was revealed when Hashem brought all that there is, was, and will be into existence with ten utterences.

Links and Images.



This is an ongoing story has no end.

The Story Changes, as it unfolds, only directed by how much we put together!



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This will take you to part one.

Click here to go to part two.

This link will take you to part three.

This link will take you part four.

This link will take you The Notebook.

This link will take you part four.

This link will take you part four.

This link will take you part four.

This link will take you to an Anton Chekhov message board.

Interested in kabbalah, click here !

This is a link to an e-mail recently sent to me that is a tribute to rescue workers, who sacrificed their lives.

A Place To Find Some Insight.

This link will take you to some dramatic 911 Pictures.

A Well Designed NavBar can Save us All

Some Time- Sometimes!