Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago

Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago: "by Stephanie Speisman

Effective business networking is the linking together of individuals who, through trust and relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another.

Keep in mind that networking is about being genuine and authentic, building trust and relationships, and seeing how you can help others.

Ask yourself what your goals are in participating in networking meetings so that you will pick groups that will help you get what you are looking for. Some meetings are based more on learning, making contacts, and/or volunteering rather than on strictly making business connections."

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

25+ Water Effect Photoshop Tutorials and Brushes

25+ Water Effect Photoshop Tutorials and Brushes: "ood news is that there are always hope for you, and the hope is always come from the Internet. Knowing the difficulty of water effect creation, many passionate designers have gone so far to create tutorials and wonderful resources to aid you in achieving artistic and realistic water effect.

In this post we have compiled a list of water effect tutorials that show you the brilliant ways to create water effects ranged from droplets to rain to waterfalls. At the end of the tutorial section we also got Photoshop brushes for you to even speed up your creation process, so take a jump and get them all!"

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XhtmlChop - Order Page - PSD to XHTML for $45

XhtmlChop - Order Page - PSD to XHTML for $45: "
PSD to advanced SEO ready package includes the highest level markup with strict Table-less css & W3C valid XHTML 1.0 Strict markup under SEO Semantic Coding with latest browser versions compatibility including IE7+, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari (windows). This package also coded with special attention to page load optimization.This package will improve page readability for search engines as well as various browsers with disabled or limited CSS.
The cost for per additional (Inner) page for advanced SEO ready is +$35"

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Where can we find the “Way Back Machine”? « TheWritersCafe.org

Where can we find the “Way Back Machine”? « TheWritersCafe.org: "a random post I found from the previous owner of this domain.

I thought to myself, how interesting, this domain, had some sort of virtual life before I even clicked that button so many years ago. purchasing this domain, which was to become the seed of so much writing and often an excess of research, and refinement of web development methods. So now as I sit nearly exhausted mainly because I see, things which perhaps I poured hour upon hour into may seem to come almost effortlessly to others who seem to get so much more web traffic then I do,

Yet the interesting little image, and the simple logo, and the idea that this domain once belonged to what appeared to be an upper grade school."

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Javascript Libraries alternatives | Sitonomy.com

Javascript Libraries alternatives | Sitonomy.com: "jQuery is a JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML traversing, event handling and other standard tasks of development web applications. 17.2 %
Prototype is a JavaScript Framework that helps to develop web applications. 9.7 %
Scriptaculous script.aculo.us offers cross-browser JavaScript libraries to make your web sites fly 3.7 %
ajax.googleapis.com The Google AJAX Libraries API provides hosting for the most popular open source libraries (JavaScript). 1.8 %
Mootools a very lightweight javascript framework used mainly for web2.0 style web applications."

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


[FREE $17 WSO!] - "THESE TWO SEO SECRETS WILL PULL THOUSANDS OF VISITORS TO YOUR SITE 24/7!": "As many of you know Google has recently dropped yet another dreaded update. The reason: to get rid of all the poor content and spammy sites. This update wiped out many sites and people are scratching their heads wondering what to do now and more importantly how to avoid this in the future?

I felt compelled to make this report to set the record straight as there has been so much misinformation “already” published on this topic.

Truth Be Told - I Could Careless About Google’s Updates…

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