Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Watch me destroy a really nice piece of wood (first build) - My Les Paul Forums

Watch me destroy a really nice piece of wood (first build) - My Les Paul Forums: "ow i've seen people talk about leaving this kinda thing clamped over night, and i've seen people talk about following the instructions on glue very carefully, cause the manufacturer knows best etc...

Well my franklin tight bond says to clamp for 1/2 hour.

That doesn't sound like very long to me, so i thought i'd kinda go half way and left it for 6 hours until the squeeze-out was rock hard. Was thinking about leaving it longer.... but i just had to inspect my handy work

Not turned out too bad.

Says to not stress the joint for 24 hours, so i'm gonna let it sit for that long, then jigsaw it out."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a bomb just exploded

"On March 23, MK Yossi Peled was in the middle of briefing the 15 member group in a Knesset conference room when his aide ran in and whispered in his ear that a bomb just exploded at a Jerusalem bus stop. One pastor remarked, 'When we learned about the bombing immediately from MK Peled, the terror threats facing Israel became more than talking points.'"