Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One Frum Skeptic

One Frum Skeptic: "But today, we both took wings, cuz our families (mostly my super hungry sister) expect them. And then we went for a walk around coney island/astro land, where we had way to much fun playing arcade games for tickets. My friend won 101 tickets at the deal/no deal game so we got my sister a cute little stuffed doggy, and dice for my friends car.

Then we decided to play the water gun game. We played like 3 times to trade up to a penguin. My best friend is OBSESSED with penguins. So, yay!! she got a penguin.

And then we went to 7-11, got slurpees and scratch lotto tickets. :-D

How cute and creative are we?

Now, if only real dating was this fascinating!"